tsumami kanzashi online school one shot lesson

Butterfly Ornament

Butterflies have been used as a motif for one of the historical tsumami kanzashi.

They have also been used as a pattern for kimonos because of their gracefulness,

and as a symbol of immortality because of the mysterious way they change during their growth.

It was also used as a family crest.

In This Lesson:

We will make a christmas ornament

Required Technical Level : Beginners~

You can learn : How to make a sideways butterfly using the basic techniques (maru and ken tsumami), how to make a silver thread wire and antenna of the butterfly, and finish it with a simple dyeing process.

tsumami kanzashi online school one shot lesson

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The access period for this course is one year from the date you sign up.

tsumami kanzashi online school one shot lesson
Making The Base

Tools and materials to prepare, and step by step instruction to make the base of the ornament butterfly.

tsumami kanzashi online school one shot lesson
Making Tsumami

~Maru tsumami and Ken tsumami~

You can learn how to create butterfly wings using maru and ken tsumami techniques, and tips to arrange tsumami as a sideways butterfly.

tsumami kanzashi online school one shot lesson
Easy Dyeing

~Dyeing Wings~

You can learn the easy way of dyeing after you finished making tsumami using easy to get materials.