tsumami kanzashi online school one shot lesson

Canola Flower for Japanese

Canola flowers are one of the typical flowers of spring in Japan.

Farmers began to cultivate them as canola oil in the Edo period (1603-1867), and canola flower fields became a feature of the spring countryside.

Canola flowers are also used in the March kanzashi of a maiko (apprentice geisha). It is very gorgeous with many yellow flowers.

In This Lesson:

We will make a Canola Flower Ornament

Required Technical Level : Beginners level~

We will make canola flowers by using

two basic technique of tsumami zaiku.

tsumami kanzashi online school one shot lesson

Our Price

The access period for this course is one year from the date you sign up.

tsumami kanzashi online school one shot lesson
Making The Base

You will learn how to make the base for the ornament by using two pieces of round base.

tsumami kanzashi online school one shot lesson
Making The Petals and Leaves

You will learn how to make maru tsumami and ken tsumami, two basic method of tsumami zaiku.

tsumami kanzashi online school one shot lesson
Arrange Into An Ornament

You will learn how to form tsumami petals into canola flowers.

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